Day 96 - Hike/Photos/Friends

08/28/2012 06:41

Today was our last Tuesday (can you see a theme for the week) in MT.  The closer we get to our last day the more scheduled our days become. The kids have this finite list of things they want to do for the last time before we leave and don't really understand that we can't pack an entire house an hour before pulling out. So the morning started off with everyone getting up and getting dressed and ready to start the day (I know this sounds normal). Then the kids went on a long walk/hike and did what they called a "Photo Shoot".  This was going all the different places they could go on foot and taking pictures of things and of each other at these different locations.  While they were gone it gave Gretchen the time to do more packing without interruption. Rebecca, Caleb, Sarah and Joshua then climbed Mt. Helena for the last time. The kids are amazing hikers!  Then they ran several errands. These errands included going to get free things. When they took the tour train last week with Uncle Peter they got lots of Free coupons. So they went around town collecting those.  They received a free drink at a local restaurant, a free picture at a local store, a free ceramic tile at a local pottery etc. I think the plan is to finish this up tomorrow with a free ride on the carousel and ice cream.

They had been expecting one of the ladies from church to come by to see them in the afternoon. So by the time they got home it was almost time for them to come.  When she came she also brought her 4 kids and another lady friend. In addition, another friend and her 2 boys stopped by at the same time. So for several hours there was a houseful of people. By the time I got home it had dwindled to just the lady and her 2 boys. Shortly afterwards her husband came by to pick up the kayak he had loaned us and we got to visit with him also.  It was such a nice thing for these ladies to make the time to come by and visit on one of our last days. The boys had a great time with their friends. In fact I thought they were going to take Caleb and Joshua home with them.

After everyone left I took the youngest 2 on a truck ride. Then I took both Caleb and Rebecca on driving lessons in my little stick shift truck.  They are improving and this was going to be their last time to do this unless they find someone in MS who will loan them their stick shift to drive. Of course, the whole time I am doing the truck thing the rest of the gang is packing away. My turn will come tomorrow and Thursday morning.

Our thoughts and prayers today have been with everyone back in MS where Hurricane Isaac is starting to hit.  We are praying God will see all those people and the ones in LA through with no damage or loss of life.


P.S.  I was able to see the Photo Shoot pictures last night.  They had a blast doing it and took hundreds of pictures!!!  They did a super job with it.  The shots are super and many different poses, places, black & white, etc...  I was impressed!